Tuesday, February 4, 2014

(Hopefully not empty) Promises for more content!

It’s very frustrating to be told your whole life that you have a gift with words but you just can’t find things to write about. Disappointing family and friends who praise your talents is never easy. However, most of my early blogs stagnated. Sure, I had a lot of personal growth over the last year, and writing about it helped me sort out important lessons I learned and put them into a permanent reminder of my progress, but who the hell else wants to read that? Everybody’s just looking for the next funny story about my house being put up for rent on Craigslist!

My bro-from-another-mo Frank (@mnskinny) has encouraged me to just write. He’s a writer by training and in his free time runs MNskinny.com. His fledgling blog (back when it was published under the un-copyright-able name “Kinked Slinky”) struggled for content as well, but his agenda to publish one food review article and one personal article a week cemented his ambitions and has provided almost a year’s worth of steady reading for his “Bored at work” crowd. Now, when I accompany him to his favorite restaurants, we hob-nob with head chefs, enjoy free deserts or rounds of shots, and generally pretend like we’re minor celebrities.

I figure I’m going to take his advice now. I’m not sure if it’s going to be just food; I may review music albums, tourist destinations, the news and politics (because that’s what everybody needs – ANOTHER ill-informed opinion on politics!)… I just need to write more and not about my personal life as much.
Copping Frank’s Twin Cities Cheeseburger Power Rankings, I think I’m going to compose a top 10 list for the Iron Range. Sure, the metro area supports a top 25 list, but there’s enough competition up here to make the fight for 10 an entertaining scrimmage, and just like MN Skinny, I’ll dip down as far south as Duluth/Superior. I’ll start by writing a few reviews over the next few months, and hopefully by summer I’ll have a comprehensive list complete!

If anybody has a burger to suggest, feel free to tweet it @boymeetsgin and we’ll try to set up a date. Be sure to check out @MNSkinny (mnskinny.com) on Mondays and Thursdays for his weekly updates. Take particular note of my beautiful husky Juno smiling at you from the sidebar, as well as a bevy of my friends pointing at food!

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